Monday, April 23, 2007

Monday, April 23, 2007 – Turning Downs into Ups

“When you are in a low, there is a proven method of moving your consciousness up to a new high. Spend time in the silence of your heart, and let the winds of your inner spirit lift you!”~Greg Barrette
Today's Affirmation
I let the silence within lift my mind, body and spirit!
Today's Meditation
Dear God, Sometimes people, situations, or my own thoughts pull me away from a centered place. When this happens, I let go of everything that is happening and especially my thoughts about it, and get quiet. I spend time in the silence of my heart, and I let the winds of my inner spirit lift me into a calmer, more receptive space. From that higher awareness, I receive any understandings I need to move me forward. Thank You, God, for helping me turn my downs into ups!


julie said...

i love how you express yourself so well and your choice of words.

Karen Beth said...

I need to do more of this... being silent and going inside. Thank you for the reminder. :)