Look what I saw in my backyard!!
Vacation is almost over, I have to go back to work on Tuesday. I am nor really looking forward to that. It was so nice staying home and getting things done. But that is the way it goes I guess.
School is almost starting just one more week and then back to getting things ready for swim team, lunches, football games, dances etc...And then of course the days get shorter. I am not looking forward to that either, I am a little worried about it in fact. It is really hard on me, so I have to get a plan in place before the end of September...YIKES!
The fair was actually a lot of fun, I think that was the most time I have spent at the fair in my whole life. My neice and nephew did a great job and both got blue and red ribbons.
Today is my one year wedding anniversary...Can you believe it! One year of marriage after 16 years of unmarriedness. HA, doesn't feel that different, but now we get to celebrate with a great bottle of wine. $200 in fact, that will be a first for me. Usually it is the $10 to $30 bottle that we get. So we'll see how that is.
well I have to go get ready and I will leave you with what I saw in the back yard.
Happy Anniversary!!! Wahhh, I don't want you to go back to work.. Well, okay, if you must!! hee hee.. $200???? Wowsa. Let me know. I hope it is good and not so fermented that only a ZsaZsa person would enjoy it. I am not a ZsaZsa person. hee hee... xoxooxox
Happy A Day...
What a beautiful picture! You will have to let me know how that wine tastes...Wow!
Happy Anniversary and that beautiful rainbow is an appropriate present i think :)
I have to tell you all that I didn't like the wine that much. Can you believe it...I had to go open my $10 bottle of Five Rivers Cab.
You have to try this wine it is the best.
Happy anniversary!! Hope it's been a great year! I love the rainbows! Thank you for sharing them with us all!
happy anniversary.
gorgeous rainbow.
hope the wine was excellent.
Happy Anniversary! What a wonderful back yard view!
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