Monday, July 02, 2007

We received a notice in the mail the other day telling us that there is a proposed sub-division coming to our neighborhood. We live on the outskits of town and all the neighbors have acreage. Everyone has from 5 to 50 acre lots. There are two sheep farms, a tree farm a horse ranch, and cows.
The subdivision is going in one lot over from us, it is on 32 acres and they want to build 210 units. This would be single family homes and then some “affordable housing” which would consist of duplexes, triplexes and sixplexes. The city will incorporate this lot into the city limits. The neighborhood is up in arms. No one wants that many homes, cars, people, dogs, etc next to this rural landscape.
We have all been talking about how to stop or at least decrease the density of this subdivision.
No one is against “affordable” housing or even developing this lot, we would just like the lots to be divided into maybe 5 acre lots so that it fits into the landscape. There is a creek running through this land that they would turn into a “natural” pond.
The whole thing is based on greed not on building affordable housing.
What happened here is that we are now a “destination” town or a resort town, a place for retirement and vacation homes, the property values have increased substantially and everyone is trying to make a buck without regard to consequences.

There must be a way to fight something like this, 210 units in the midst of a rural and agricultural center…or are we just supposed to accept that this is progress and let it happen?


Claudia said...

I live in a very quiet are too and it would absolutely freak me out if I was told that all these homes were going to be built across from us. You should contact your local council or mayor and see if they can help you.

Bronwyn said...

Found you via your comment on Dispatch from LA. This is horrible. You should band together with your neighbours and lodge formal objections with your local town council. We've had similar problems and it's been bad - power cuts, traffic jams etc, because the existing infrastructure can't cope. I really feel for you and wish you lots of strength and good luck in fighting the developers. I do believe that by banding together local communities can effect positive outcomes. We have managed to stop a few developments by lodging objections and stating our case before council.

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