Saturday, September 15, 2007

Winner is??

Vanessa is the winner of the Grand Prize... the ICE-O-MAT, Which is fitting since she is dealing with 105 degree temps. Who couldn't use "The Ideal Gift" in that weather.

But all of you that commented will receive a special gift from me, just for being so nice and great blogger people...

So, I need some addresses, you can email me, my email is in my profile.

Thank you for stopping by it was really fun.

Now, I am off to another swim meet


Rebecca E. Parsons/Cre8Tiva said...

miz fanciful will love it...blessings, rebecca

Anonymous said...

Fitting fitting fitting, Yes, it is hotter than the netherworld here. Ummmm, I am over the moon!!!Can I just say, I have not won anything in ages, and then to win such a prize! Well, How can a girl not swoon!! too fun! Thank you!! xxo