How did i get so lucky to become the mother of the most amazing child? Not only does she love me she actually likes me. last night she told us that she "Loves our Family". That was after I made her do the old fire drill around the car on our way to get ice cream while wearing our pj's and slippers...
Being a mother is something i was never sure if i could do. I am an all or nothing type of person ( i am finding this out after all these years) So, having a child was something i knew would be an extreme emotional take over of my being. Loving something so much that it actually is painful was a scary thing to me. How would i handle all the anxiety that comes with this responsibility?
The hurt feelings, the disappointments, the trying to protect her from any harm? --This has been as hard as I thought, by the way!!--
But, I am slowly learning that I can not race her to "what might happen", that I need to just to be beisde her with all my love and support...(very hard)...I really just want to stop any 'badness' that may be lurking up ahead--but, I am working on it-
Anyway, Mother's day as we all know is really everyday, isn't it??
So Happy Mother's day to you all -
PS -wether you have your own children or not- listening, loving and showing a child you care is the best 'mothering' anyone can do...
This is such an incredible post. I relate to all you are saying. We have the mother bear instinct to want to protect them from all harm.
Happy Mother's Day.
I can relate so well. We love our precious daughters and want to keep them happy and safe.
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