Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Spring Break starts NOW
We are off to Portland. I am bringing my camera and computer so maybe some pictures once we arrive.
I woke up to 5 inches of brand new snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am beginning to think that there is some kind of conspiracy.
I woke up to 5 inches of brand new snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am beginning to think that there is some kind of conspiracy.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008

More practice photos...
There is not a lot to say that would be of real interest lately. Well nothing that i would feel comfortable sharing over the internet. I often wonder how it seems to come easy for some people to share so much with strangers. I know i find it fascinating to read other blogs. In fact I love it. There are times when I am so tempted to write what is going on with my life. But, I do not want any strangers (or friends) judging me. I wouldn't want any advice unless it was really nice and didn't hurt my feelings. That's just me.
I also see that there are people out there just posting the most mundane of things and people (including me) just keep coming back for more. What is that??
As you can see I have been very naughty with my interviews, I was doing so well keeping up with everything. Then as I was sailing along...BAM...I get hit with the gray, cloudy, snowy and dark weather. Which caused a little downward spiral in what is sometimes called ...depression. I was doing so well too. It totally caught me off guard this time, before i knew it, I was down.
But, I am working on it. Working my way back. Was that too much information?
Anyway, i have been laying around playing with phots and trying to teach myself how to use photoshop. it really has been fun.
ok. I think I will work on my bookcrossing interview later tomorrow. My friend Heather, who lives right here is a co-founder and she had some secret news for me to share. But that was like two weeks ago, so the secret might be out already...ha! I have been bad.
Ok...I swear I am on my way. Just one more chapter in my new book.

New Book club book... Extremely close and Incredibly Loud Pretty good so far, a nine year old is trying to uncover clues to his father's death on 9/11.
Have you seen this site Darryl Hannah's eco site.
I also keep forgetting to recommend another of my favorite writers Ruth Reichel. Tender at the Bone was such a great book, so funny and so perfect. I can say it is one of my many faorites. I suggest you go get it.
Don't you wish you could just quit your job and stay home and read and do the things you really want to do.
Make something happen today
Monday, March 24, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I Love Joe Purdy especially his song ' i love the rain the most'. I also am amazed by this photographer and listening to this guy.
Or how about this oldie if this doesn't make you want to sing and dance along ...i can't help you !!
We have a sunny day today after another two day snow storm. I am on my way out to do a little snow shoeing hopefully there will only be a a week or so more left of this ritual. I will miss it though, the solitide and the time to think things through. I will not miss the cold and gray much I am sooooooo ready for sunny weather and a sunnier me.
I am thankful that I am not defined by my least i keep repeating this to myself. Hopefully i can start to believe.
Out now looking for absolution...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I am having a bad week-be back soon
March 17, 2008-DAILY OM
Tending The Emotions
Having A Breakdown
Most of us have had the experience of holding back our emotions for such a long period of time that when they finally come out, we have something resembling a breakdown. For a certain period of time, the overwhelming flood of feelings coursing through our bodies consumes us, and we stop functioning. Often, these outbursts take us by surprise, welling up within us as we drive to or from work, watch a movie, or engage in some otherwise mundane task. We may feel like we do not know what triggered us, or if we do know, it does not make sense of our overpowering emotional response. This is because we are releasing feelings that have accumulated over a long period of time, and whatever inspired the release was just a catalyst for a much larger, much needed catharsis.
When we find ourselves in the midst of such an experience, it is important that we allow it to happen, rather than fight it or try to shut down. Wherever we are, we can try to find a private, safe place in which to let our feelings out. If we can not access such a place immediately, we can promise to set aside some time for ourselves at our earliest possible convenience, perhaps taking a day off work. The important thing is that we need to give our emotional system some much-needed attention. It is essential that we allow ourselves to release the pent-up emotions inside ourselves so that they do not create imbalances in our bodies and minds.
When you are feeling better, make a plan to find a way to process your emotions more regularly. You can do this by employing a therapist or making a regular date to talk to a trusted friend. Journaling can also be a great way to acknowledge and release your emotions, as can certain forms of meditation. Making room in your life for tending your emotions on a regular basis will keep you healthy, balanced, and ready for life.
Tending The Emotions
Having A Breakdown
Most of us have had the experience of holding back our emotions for such a long period of time that when they finally come out, we have something resembling a breakdown. For a certain period of time, the overwhelming flood of feelings coursing through our bodies consumes us, and we stop functioning. Often, these outbursts take us by surprise, welling up within us as we drive to or from work, watch a movie, or engage in some otherwise mundane task. We may feel like we do not know what triggered us, or if we do know, it does not make sense of our overpowering emotional response. This is because we are releasing feelings that have accumulated over a long period of time, and whatever inspired the release was just a catalyst for a much larger, much needed catharsis.
When we find ourselves in the midst of such an experience, it is important that we allow it to happen, rather than fight it or try to shut down. Wherever we are, we can try to find a private, safe place in which to let our feelings out. If we can not access such a place immediately, we can promise to set aside some time for ourselves at our earliest possible convenience, perhaps taking a day off work. The important thing is that we need to give our emotional system some much-needed attention. It is essential that we allow ourselves to release the pent-up emotions inside ourselves so that they do not create imbalances in our bodies and minds.
When you are feeling better, make a plan to find a way to process your emotions more regularly. You can do this by employing a therapist or making a regular date to talk to a trusted friend. Journaling can also be a great way to acknowledge and release your emotions, as can certain forms of meditation. Making room in your life for tending your emotions on a regular basis will keep you healthy, balanced, and ready for life.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Interview with Pamela @ A Small Work a Day

Today we have an interview with Pamela from A Small Work A Day
You will find some beautiful art work over a Pamela's.
Tell us about yourself…
Like many photographers, I started photographing in my teens. I was fortunate to go to a high school that required every student to take an art class that was half studio arts (painting, drawing etc.) and half photography. We all had plastic Diana cameras, shot Tri-X 120 black and white film, and processed our own work. I loved it, went on to take every photography course the school offered and spent a lot of time in a very small, dark room in high school.
Cut to grown up days…I had a 15-year career in the film industry as a freelance production manager on feature films (Black Hawk Down, Hannibal, Peacemaker) doing non-creative work and realized I needed to get back to photography, so a few years ago I came back to photography.
What motivated you to start your blog?
What made you decide to begin this project? And do you feel obligated to create a work a day or is it something that you look forward to?
When I moved to the DC area in the summer of 2006, a respected artist and blogger named Lenny Campello of Daily Campello Art Newsreviewed the first show I was in at the Torpedo Factory. He mentioned me and opened my eyes to the world of blogs. Daily works blogs were becoming popular and I thought it would be a great personal exercise – to force myself to create a piece, good or bad, every day. I started A Small Work A Day with all good intentions, but now I post a few times a week versus everyday, and I don’t beat myself up over it. I like to do my daily piece first thing in the morning, so if I don’t, it gets away from me.
How has your art evolved since you started this project?
It really helped me develop my style. When I started the daily work I was all over the map. It didn’t look like the work came from one person. I worked through a couple of phases before finding my place.
Will you go through the process you take in creating one piece?
So many people ask me about my technique. At the moment I’m photographing landscapes with an eye towards a collection I’m developing for a solo show I have coming up in 2009. The show is titled “The Road Less Traveled By” after the Frost poem.
I start with a digital capture, and begin my post processing by making a technically high quality “straight” image; you know, all the basics – contrast, saturation, tweaking highlights and shadows, color balance. After that my fun begins! I decide how I want the world to look – ha ha! I often combine elements from different images, like putting a flock of birds in the sky where there were none. When I have the subject matter the way I want it then I move on to texture.
Over the course of more than 25 years of making photographic images I have experimented with various types of transfer printing. The use of texture in my current digital work is an outgrowth of that. I have always been in love with the “less than perfect” look of transfers, the unpredictable nature of the process.
Layering textures is where I have the most fun; I shoot all my own textures. Even though I’m using a computer, I still do a lot of experimentation, a lot of “what if” scenarios with the textures and blending methods I use. I’m still able to experience the unpredictable nature of the process!
What is your art background?
As I mentioned, my early training in art and photography was pretty unique. Andover, the boarding school I went to has an extensive art department and I took full advantage of it. Beyond that, I took a few art classes in college, but I’m largely self-taught.
Can you tell us a little about Print for the Cure and how you came up with that idea?
At the beginning of 2007 both my siblings were diagnosed with cancer. First my sister with breast cancer, and about 2 weeks later my brother with prostate cancer. Two years earlier my husband had had prostate cancer. I wanted to do something! I asked myself what I could do to make a difference? I realized that by selling affordable art I could make larger monetary donations to research organizations and maybe get more people involved with the organizations I have supported. By the way, siblings and husband are all doing well.
Are there certain art blogs that you visit for inspiration and/or fun?
I visit Daily Campello Art News all the time to stay current on the DC art scene and I have to say I’m somewhat of a flickr addict, there is so much great work out there it’s amazing!
I really enjoy your art work and it is one of the blogs that I visit on a regular basis.
Thank you so much for your time.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Friday, March 07, 2008
what I'm afraid of Friday
More Snow...
Lady Bugs
Running out of time
No one answering me
What about you?
Just so you know, I am afraid of really important things too. Global Warming, who will be our next president, The fate of Public Schools, Genocide, The Spread of Aids, Breast Cancer and the fact that issues dealing with females are still not as important as erectile dysfunction.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Yesterday while cruising around blogland I was checking out nectar & light I came across a cool food and photo blog Matt Bites it was super fun and had lots of cool interviews,photos and fun food blog links. I loved it. But you know I love photo sites, and then photo sites that include food well that is just the best.
He had a post about Rebecca Wolf and her blog Girls gone Child which in another cool blog.
Do yourself a favor and check these out today.
He had a post about Rebecca Wolf and her blog Girls gone Child which in another cool blog.
Do yourself a favor and check these out today.
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