It has abeen awhile since i have posted anything. Just getting ready for fall, school starting, swim team starting at 5:30 am, etc...
I was thinking how so much of the blogs that I read and like to visit are the artsy ones, I started to notice that a lot of the stuff i like reminds me of when I was in jr. high and high school.
The collage stuff that everyone likes to do, the use of decopage, journaling, altered books, soldering pictures or words behind glass, making beads out of paper, and making jewelry. It just seems to have made it's way around again.
I remember making an altered book, journal for my boyfriend when I was 16 or 17. You could buy these "empty books" and then we would write quotes, draw pictures, make collages, write poems and add photos. It was a very cool gift.!!
My room was like one big mod podged collage, the closet doors and walls were filled with collage and poems and quotes.
I painted the inside of my shower wall with a big rainbow and clouds, I was totally into rainbows at the time. I still have a little tiny pocket mirror that I soldered, a picture of a rainbow on one side and a mirror on the other.
I collected drift wood and rocks and feathers. I "mod podged" drift wood with all kinds of magazine pictures and words. I made "hippie" necklaces with wire and beads from this head shop that sold all kinds of cools stuff. I so badly wanted to take pictures of everything with my 110 pocket camera!!
I guess what I am getting at is that, one, I am still pretty much the same person, and two,
the art we love now is the same art we loved then, now we are just a little more sophisticated, well, you guys are, but I just think it is funny how things turn out.